There are a number of collaborative working models for trials running on an international level.
Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

One host institution/sponsor within the UK responsible for co-ordinating the trial and co-ordinating both UK and international research sites
One host institution/sponsor within the UK responsible for co-ordinating the trial and co-ordinating UK sites only. Use of a local spoke/CRO/lead site to co-ordinate international sites.
The same or very similar protocols. Two or more host institutions each responsible for co-ordinating the trial and sites locally, feeding into a single trial analysis
Case Studies
- Greater control over the development and co-ordination of the trial, including data management
- Trial can be run entirely in line with host institution SOPs and guidelines
- No spoke costs
- Local spoke provides expertise in local regulatory and ethical environments
- Potential reduction in contracts if spoke contract with international research sites
- Local spoke will undertake work relating to obtaining local approvals, meaning the UK host/sponsor does not need to do this.
- Greater pool of patients to recruit from, leading to faster recruitment, analysis and dissemination timelines
- UK funder does not need to fund international recruitment, and vice versa therefore it may be easier to obtain funding
- Each sponsor could be responsible for local insurance, therefore a study wide policy covering all countries may not be required.
- UK host/sponsor will not be responsible for obtaining required local approvals at international sites
- Potential lack of awareness of local regulatory and ethical environments
- Setting up local sites likely to be both time and resource intensive
- Several contracts to negotiate
- Language barrier
- Courier/postage implications from international sites to the UK
- Compliance of sites to unfamiliar SOP
- If tissue samples are required to be sent to the UK, this may be difficult to implement across all sites
- Cost
- Spokes may work in a different way to organisations in the UK therefore may not be in agreement with host institution SOPs
- Contract with the spoke may need to be agreed prior to starting any international site set-up
- Trial could be at risk if one party is not able to obtain local funding, or subsequently withdraws from participating in the trial
- It may be difficult to develop consistent protocols between the parties
- Timelines are likely to vary between groups involved
- Potential lack of a party with overall responsibility for the trial
- Monitoring may be difficult to implement
Key Points for Consideration
- Protocol development and version control
- Responsibility for obtaining local approvals for international sites
- Insurance
- Training of site staff
- Data flows and conduct
- Trial supplies
- Funding
- Clear division of responsibilities between the collaborating parties
- Plan for protocol development
- Agreement on data items and development of CRFs
- Database development (single versus multiple)
- Who will be responsible for the final analysis
- Publication rights